Our Mission
- Inform citizens and California Government regarding the benefits of the private surety bail bond industry
- Increase the market share of private surety bail bonds through the reduction of un-secured pre-trial release throughout the State of California
- Represent the interests of the professional bail agents of California
- Work to improve business conditions and promote professionalism and integrity throughout California’s bail industry
- Provide advocacy for private surety bail bonds by promoting legislation that will insure that our industry can provide its essential service of “Insuring That Defendants Appear In Court“
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Golden State Bail Agents Association, Inc.?
The Golden State Bail Agents Association, Inc. (hereafter “GSBAA”) is a non profit corporation dedicated to facilitate professional interaction, cooperation and communication between individuals and organizations engaged in the bail industry in California, to improve business conditions and promote professionalism in California’s bail industry, to advance the common business interests of individuals and organizations engaging in the bail industry and to engage in public educational activities and advocacy regarding the business interests of California’s bail industry.
What are the benefits of Belonging to the GSBAA?
There are many reasons to join GSBAA including being kept abreast of issues affecting the California bail industry through our web site, email alerts and other correspondence, networking with other like minded professionals in the bail industry, and attending our meetings. However, the most important reason to join is because we are the voice of the California bail industry in the legislature and we have proven ourselves as such through our successes in the legislative arena.
How Do I Become A Member of GSBAA?
Any person that has an interest in the California bail industry is welcome to join us, however, only licensed California bail agents are allowed to vote on GSBAA business. Annual dues are $75.00 for California bail agents and $60.00 for nonvoting members. Click here to download our membership application or visit the membership page to apply online.
To mail the completed application along with your check, please send it to:
Golden State Bail Agents Association
530 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
How do I Stay In Touch With and Participate in GSBAA?
Besides this web site, GSBAA will have at least one live annual meeting which all members are invited to attend and participate in. Additionally, we may have quarterly meetings for members that will be conducted via telephone conference.
Lobbying Efforts For The California Bail Industry
The Golden State Bail Agents Association is California’s only statewide trade group representing the bail industry in Sacramento. For more than 10 years, GSBAA has served the bail industry through it tireless work in public affairs and education. Here is a list of legislation that GSBAA successfully opposed on behalf of the bail industry:
- SB 1744 Which would have eliminated your right to apply for extensions of the 180-day forfeiture period
- SB 210 A bill designed to increased OR release
- AB 1082 Bail agents would be held responsible for attorney’s fees on appeal motions
- AB 1406 The $30.00 per bond fee legislation to fund prosecution of bail agents/agencies
- AB 2166 Bail forfeiture litigation to restrict the bail industry’s due process rights on appeal
- SB 1265 Language that would have allowed an LLC to operate a bail agency without having to obtain a bail agent license
- AB 2385 Probation language that would have released pre-trial defendants through electronic monitoring without having to post bail
- SB 1180 Evidence based pre-trail risk assessment language to increase OR release
GSBAA has also been successful in getting AB 404 passed which allows online continuing education classes and AB 805 amending the realignment law to allow the could to use risk assessment reports in setting, reducing or denying bail and bills to make extradition easier.